> Product   >   Pharmaceutical


Product name CLOPIDO Tab.
Classfication Pharmaceutical / num :
Efficacy group Antithrombotic and anticoagulant
Product code 123
  • Basic Information
  • Precautions
[Quantity of drug substance] Clopidogrel 75mg
[Efficacy∙ Effect] Recent myocardial infarction, Recent Stroke, Established Peripheral Arterial Disease, Acute Coronary Syndrome
[Pharmacological action and features]
[Usage ∙ Dosage] '- Recent myocardial infarction, Recent Stroke, Established Peripheral Arterial Disease : 75mg, once daily.
- Acute Coronary Syndrome : Should be initiated with a single 300mg loading dose and then continued at 75 mg once daily. Aspirin(75~325mg once daily) should be continued in combination with Clopido tab.
[Packing unit]
[How to save]